The Servant Leader Project is a unique initiative that aims to inspire and empower individuals to take control of their own personal and professional development. The project centers around the concept of servant leadership, which emphasizes putting the needs of others first and promoting a sense of community and collaboration within a group or organization. The servant leader project focuses on motivating and educating the populus about the path forward for them.


When I was in high school, I had the opportunity to meet the organizer of the Servant Leader Project. At the time, I shared with him my experience in app development, and he was impressed by my skills. I later found out that he had been working tirelessly to help his community, and he had been in need of a website and mobile app to help build his credibility. I was immediately drawn to his passion and dedication to making a difference in the world, and I knew that I wanted to be a part of this project.

So, I began freelance working with him to set up the software and it was an amazing experience. The software was built to provide feedback on the performance of the individuals and make contact information easily accessible. Through the use of this tool, individuals are able to receive guidance and support as they work towards their goals, while also fostering accountability and transparency.

As I got to know the organizer more, I realized the real impact of this project. The Servant Leader Project is particularly focused on ensuring that minority youth have the opportunity to succeed in society, by addressing some of the systemic barriers that minority youth may face in their pursuit of success, such as discrimination and lack of representation in leadership positions. The project promotes the principles of servant leadership and creates a community of individuals who are committed to supporting one another, creating an inclusive and equitable environment that helps minority youth to succeed.

What I learned through my involvement in this project is that it takes more than just one person to make a difference in the world. The Servant Leader Project is not just about the organizer, it’s about a community of people coming together to support and empower one another. It’s about building a better world for the future, where everyone has the opportunity to thrive and succeed. And for me, that’s what this project is truly about. This project had a real impact on me, it not just taught me about the power of servant leadership but also about giving back to the community and using my skills to make a difference in the world.


The Servant Leader Project application is built using a combination of different technologies to provide a robust and user-friendly experience for its users. One key feature of the application is the integration of Google forum and spreadsheet API, which allows for easy collaboration and sharing of information among users. This integration also enables users to access feedback on their performance, and easily share contact information with one another.

The application also utilizes Unity Engine for mobile design, to create an interactive and immersive experience for users on mobile devices. Unity is a powerful game engine that allows for the creation of highly responsive and engaging mobile user interfaces.

In addition to the Unity Engine, the application’s web design is developed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This combination of technologies allows for the creation of a visually appealing, and easy-to-navigate website. HTML provides the basic structure and layout of web pages, while CSS provides the styling and layout. Lastly, JavaScript is used to add dynamic functionality to the website such as real-time updates, animations, and interactions.


Through my involvement in the Servant Leader Project, I have gained a deeper understanding of the impact I can have on my community and the importance of using my skills to make a positive difference in the world. The project’s focus on empowering minority youth to succeed in society and addressing systemic barriers has been particularly impactful.

I’ve also learned the value of easily transportable media, as it is important in today’s fast-paced digital world. The flexibility of the software allows it to be utilized across various platforms, making it accessible to a wider audience.

Additionally, my experience with the project has taught me about the importance of understanding the client’s needs and objectives when working on a project. This project is a great example of the importance of tailoring the design and development to meet the client’s specific requirements and ensuring that the experience is easily equivalent for differing platforms.

Furthermore, my experience with this project has strengthened my understanding of the importance of designing for the user. The software tool provides feedback on performance and makes contact information easily accessible. The software was built to provide an intuitive and user-friendly experience that empowers individuals to take control of their own personal and professional development.

Overall, my involvement in the Servant Leader Project has been an enlightening experience, and I feel grateful to have had the opportunity to contribute to such an impactful project. I’ve gained valuable insights into the power of servant leadership, the importance of designing for the user and the client and the benefit of easily transportable media in today’s world. I look forward to applying these insights to my future work and continuing to make a positive impact on my community.